Maryland Midland

Maryland Midland

Went out today to do a little railfanning with a friend at a local shortline, the Maryland Midland. After getting off to a late start, we were lucky enough to see that the crew was also off to a late start. We arrived at the yard around 8:30am to see them finishing building up their train to head to Glyndon, where they interchange with CSX.

Leaving the yard

 After a small chase, we caught them in Westminster pulling through town. Unlike most local shortlines, they seem to have a quick get up and go. 

Through Westminster.

We then caught them at the interchange in Glyndon. This was the end of our day with the Maryland Midland. This was the first time I shot a minimal amount of digital photos, and will upload more film when it is developed. 

Interchange at Glyndon. 

Process Your Own Black and White

Process Your Own Black and White

Slide Film

Slide Film