When Kids Take Over

When Kids Take Over

My friend and his wife, married three years now, bought a house sometime around their marriage. I remember going to it before they moved in and breaking their garage door because I am an idiot. Their house was a house of adults, power tools and other dangerous things laying about. 

It has been a couple years now, a child has graced their lives. I visited recently, now the house is his, he just happens to let my friend and his wife live there. It is absolutely wonderful. I had some free time while my friend was snoozing, so I took some photos of all the nooks and crannies the lil' guy's toys are in. All of these shots were done with a Hasselblad 501cm and Portra 400. 

Hasselblad 501cm and Provia 100f, at night

Hasselblad 501cm and Provia 100f, at night

Paddling The Patuxent River

Paddling The Patuxent River