K6x14Vx and Fuji Provia 100f

K6x14Vx and Fuji Provia 100f

For the last year and a half I have been shooting with a 3d printed 6x14 panoramic camera. You can read about that camera here, if you're so inclined. That camera broke at the Avenue of the Baobab in Madagascar. Luckily, a local gentleman had designed and printed his own 6x14 camera, this one is smaller, gets an extra frame from the roll, and has a focus helical. I'll write up a full review of that camera soon. I don't like writing a review after using a camera for a roll or two. However, I can post a roll from the camera. 


The following roll was Fuji Provia 100f, shot around Baltimore over two nights. You can click on the images to full screen them. 

Airstream Trailer

Autoglass. Electronics. Sunroofs

Ice Cream Shop

Gas Station

El Camino

One Lens, One Camera, One Film

One Lens, One Camera, One Film

Patapsco River Paddle: Woodstock to Daniels

Patapsco River Paddle: Woodstock to Daniels